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The Jobseeker's Playbook: Navigating Poor Response Rates

Are you frustrated by the low response rate to your job applications? You're not alone! In today's competitive job market, it's essential to refine your approach to stand out and make an impact.


Here’s how you can improve your chances:

  1. Make sure you are submitting an Accomplishments-Based Resume

    Don't just list your duties—highlight your achievements! Showcase how you've added value in your previous roles. Quantify your accomplishments where possible to demonstrate your impact.

  2. Make sure the skills on your LinkedIn profile are aligned with the job postings

    Make sure your LinkedIn profile reflects the skills and experience relevant to the job you're applying for. When a job is listed on LinkedIn, it will indicate a number of skills that the job poster has selected as important. Update your skills on your profile to match those highlighted in the job posting to increase your chances of being noticed.

  3. Reach Out to the Hiring Manager or Recruiter

    Sending a message can set you apart. Here's a quick template to use:

    "Hi [Name], I recently applied for the [Position] at [Company]. I believe my experience in [relevant skill/industry] would be a great fit for your team, and I'd love to discuss how I can add value.”


Take control of your job search by implementing these strategies and turn those applications into opportunities!

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